Chapter I: Economic and Political Background . Trade and politics in the Red Sea to 1500 Trade, Islam and Christianity in the Horn of Africa until the rise of the Solomonic dynasty
Chapter II: Ethiopia's Foreign Relations to 1500 The Solomonic monarchs, the Horn's Muslims and Egypt Ethiopia, the Red Sea and Christian Europe -early contacts' 25
Chapter III: Government, Ad.ministration, Army and Church to 1500 . Feudal government and military system . Administration Reform and the Ethiopian church
Chapter IV: The Rise of the Muslim Kingdom of Ethiopia in the Sixteenth Century - Power Politics Political decline and Jihad The pastoralist element The background for Muslim victory - the reign of Libna Dingil The Muslim conquest (futuh) of Ethiopia
ChapterV: The' Revival of the Solomonic Monarchy and the Decline of Muslim Power in the Horn
The Portuguese expedition to Ethiopia and the rise of Gelawdewos The reconsolidation of Christian Ethiopia and the decline of Adal
Chapter VI: Trade and Power Politics in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean in the Sixteenth Century
Chapter VII:the Rise of Galla Power in the Hom The Galla and the disintegration of Ada) The Solornonic dynasty and the rise of Galla power Ethiopia's military system reorganized The collapse of Tigrean separatism and the Ottoman threat Economy and expansionism A Galla settlement in the plateau Serse-Dingil's reign - an evaluation
Chapter VIII:A Period of Transition Ethiopian-European relations: the missionary era A decade of , interregnum' - first attempts at modernisation power politics and Ethiopia at the beginning of the seventeenth century The Galla-controlled plateau at the beginning of the seventeenth century
Chapter IX: The Reign of Susinyos - A Seventeenth Century attempt at Westemisation . The consolidation of Susinyos' government and Galla power Administration army and the Galla Ethiopian expansionism, economy and the Funj sultanate Reform and Westernisation
Chapter X: Imposed Conversion and the Triumph of the National Church
The Horn of Africa at the beginning of the Sixteenth Century
Western Part of Indian Ocean Littoral,
Ethiopia and the Extent of Galla Migration by the Seventeenth' Century