Writers for'Ethiopian Children (WEC) presents its seventh bilingual anthology of children's stories entitled ''Azuregn'' from the children's game of spinning in circles and trying to become dizzy and not dizzy at the same time.Having depleted almost all our original financial resources for the first six anthologies, Ms Helen Papworth has come to our rescue by injecting the necessary financial resources to take us forward. Moreover, she has also contributed a story of her own and done her illustrations for it. Wzo Fetum Rahmet has remained our staunch supporter and friend dqing the layout' and design, while our regular supporters Ato Abyalew Assefa and Ato Atabachew Reda continue to do their wonderful illustrations, alongside Ato Yihenew Worku.To introduce our younger audience to the skill of reading pictures, Ms Martha Hardy has contributed a picture story,in consultation with Ms Helen Papworth.The authors have, as usual, contributed their stories free of charge and a third of the print-run will, be donated to selected educational institutions.Another anthology entiled ''Atazuregn'' is also in the works,and will soon follow Azuregn for slightly older children. It is hoped that these anthologies are valued by Ethiopian children as part of their cultural and linguistic heritage.
Happy Reading! |